As many of you know from next season there will be an individual membership scheme put into place by ETTA. This means that the fees that we charge each year will be reduced by the amount that we pay ETTA for each team – approximately £20 per team.
Players can register directly with ETTA or use a league for registration purposes. The ETTA prefer the league option.
Players who play in more than one league will only pay a single fee but will need to let other leagues know their registration number.
ETTA will collect fees from leagues in the middle of November and at the end of the season so fees can be returned with registrations at the beginning of the season and any extra registrations collected at the end of the season.
Whilst the logistics of collecting the fees will be finalized at the AGM the actual fees, per category, will not be available until after ETTA’s AGM at the end of June.
In the meantime I would suggest that you access the ETTA website and view the spreadsheet regarding individual membership in order to see the information that will be needed.
Dave Brown